How do I programmatically embed a hero video without using the WellcomeMat player?

There are two way to embed a home hero video on your site. The easiest way is to utilize the home hero playlist embed via your playlist section and generate a video carousel that fully registers all view. The following outlines how to use the API to pull the video file directly in order to implement the file directly into your custom built hero carousel. Note: When using hosted files without a player normal Analytics (views, referring url, engagement, devices) will not be recorded.

You can absolutely use the video files in your account to embed a hero video on your website that does not use the WellcomeMat player. Follow these developer implementation instructions:

1. Once videos have been uploaded (and encoded) into your account, a thumbnail image should be uploaded. This is the image that will show when the video initially loads (before playback) and can additionally be used for the mobile image.

2. The API can then be used to retrieve the list of videos in the account.
Documentation can be found here: (You will need to login to see authorization credentials.)

3.You can view code examples but initially you should only need the query action. You should query for status=400 to only get active videos. That way you can deactivate old videos within WM (or the API if you so choose) and they will no longer be returned by the query (assuming you use the status parameter).

4. In the response, you’ll see a video object which includes a list of filenames for various transcoded video files:
- 270 is for mobile
- 360 and up is just a difference in quality
** In order to embed a full-bleed video start with 270 to see how the browser handles it and move up from there

5. The response also includes an image object which has two thumbnail filenames. This can be used to load an image instead of a video.

6. Alternatively, an image could be uploaded into a CRM.

This can only be done if you have an Enterprise level license.




$MENU right-hand dropdown menu
$WM WellcomeMat
